The greatest ideas remain in your head 
unless otherwise evacuated. 
The most powerful suggestions you ingest 
will remain congested 'til you digest it. 

Suggest that shit and don't ever care which way it goes!

Once upon a time there was reach. When we reach out to new people, we increase our exposure. So, we all know that increasing your exposure is increasing your value. And by increasing your value - you are increasing your demand. By increasing your demand, you are therefore increasing your earnings.

See what I'm getting at...? It all ties together.

Since the main goal shared by everyone in the creative fields is to reach financial stability through the ability to live off of our own creations, we must rely heavily on other creators to lead us. This is done by building community.
The first step in community building? Increasing your reach. But how? Well by enhancing your outreach.

Enhance your outreach by helping others who may lack the resources that you may access to. The willingness to provide your skills or knowledge to someone or something in order to grow an idea or better ones existence is the golden rule. Put more simply: 'Offer to teach, or be willing to 'learn.